About Us

Dr.Mrs.Neha Amit Makwana is a practicing Ayurved Physician at Vedamrut Ayurved Clinic, Shrirampur (Maharashtra).
She has perceived her B.A.M.S. degree and Diploma in Yog and Ayurved from Pune. Also she is a Garbhsanskar Expert, Parenting coach and Preconceptional counceller .
She has been working in this field since 2013 and helping many pregnant women and parents to tackle their pregnancy and parenting related issues with her simple but very effective and scientific techniques.
Her mission is to reach 1 million parents and spread the knowledge and awareness regarding Scientific Garbhsanskar and effective parenting techniques in the society.
Vedamrut Garbhsanskar is a combination of ancient knowledge and its modern scientific basis regarding sanskaars which when implemented on pregnant mothers, planning couples and children of early age group bring out all round development of future baby from a very early stage.
Our Services

Preconceptional counselling
Preconception counselling targeted at the mother, father and family can reduce maternal and infant complications and can prevent inherited disease conditions. This can be achieved with the help of diet modification, detoxification panchkarma procedures, changing lifestyle and developing a vision for coming baby in a scientific manner.

Pregnancy care, Labour and Birth counselling
This includes implementation of a series of scientific techniques to assist healthy pregnancy, reduce stress and help in proper development of the baby inside the womb. These techniques are reciting special monthwise chants (stotra), monthwise Diet plan, monthwise yoga, pranayam and meditation under expert supervision and guidance, monthwise special music therapy (Garbhsangeet), communication with unborn child (Garbhsamvad), tips for solving health issues during pregnancy and activities for brain development of child and much more.

Positive parenting
Vedamrut Art of Parenting course provides guidance on scientific techniques and activities which help in brain development, 5 senses development, physical, mental, social, spiritual and all round development of a child at a very early age even when the baby is unborn. We also help parents to tackle the habits and addictions of children in a smooth way so that the parenting journey becomes happy, healthy and effortless for both parent and child.

Post delivery care
First 45 days after delivery are considered to be the most crucial and life changing for both mother and child. This postnatal guidance is for mother and child care includes special diet, postnatal yoga, breast feeding techniques, posture correction, mother and baby massage, fomentation, etc.

We provide various flash cards for child brain development designed as per international standards. This includes Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Marathi etc language word cards, Dot (Maths) cards and homemade story books.

Ayurvedic consultation
We provide Ayurvedic consultation offline and online for our clients who wish to solve their hormonal and health issues which are hurdles in their path of healthy pregnancy by use of medications and detoxification techniques called panchkarma.